YLs Page

WAARC takes pride in having a good number of YL members. Our current president is a YL, and we have others that step up to teach classes, run nets, and volunteer for public service events. The YLs in the club also like to convene for lunch or dinner, and other fun activities. The current COVID-19 restrictions prevent this from happening right now, but we plan to resume once it is safe to do so.
Recently, the Next Door Neighbors magazine featured a story about Toby Papas, KL0SS and her amateur radio activities. There is also a story about Barbara Burris, KN4ZMD and painted rocks. If you would like to read the article, click here
Licensing Classes
If you are a YL and would like to get involved with amateur radio, you are invited to join our March 2021 License Classes. We are holding Technician (basic level) and General (middle level) licensing classes twice a week on Zoom.
The Technician classes will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am-12:30pm. The class will be from March 9 to April 23.
The General classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 9am-12:30pm. The class will be from March 8 to 22.
If you are interested in taking one of these classes, please email hamradioclass@yahoo.com.
Ham Radio Exams
Because of the current restrictions related to COVID-19 the WAARC VE team is holding testing on an as-needed basis. If you are ready to take a licensing test, please email the VE team at ve@k4rc.net.
More information about license testing can be found on our Testing Sessions page.
YL Nets
WAARC has a YLs and Friends Net every Sunday night at 7pm on the KB4ZIN 146.760 (negative offset, no tone needed) repeater. A wide variety of topics of interest to YLs are discussed, and we try not to have technicial discussions whenever possible.
If you are away from home but want to listen in to the net, there is a live stream of the ’76 machine on Broadcastify: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/29772. There is also an Echolink node connected to the ’76 repeater. Look for K8LF-L in the Echolink app to connect to the repeater from wherever you are.
Other Local Nets
Every day at 9am there is a Coffee and Radio net, on the KB4ZIN 146.760 (negative offset, no tone needed) repeater. This net was started when COVID-19 restrictions first started in March 2020 as a way for hams in the community to stay in touch with the absence of in-person get togethers. Anything from troubleshooting a ham radio problem to gardening, and of course, coffee are discussed. Occasionally YLs volunteer to run the net.
There is a weekly ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) net on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm, also on the ’76 repeater. You do not need to be an ARES member to check-in.
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