Antenna Action for Abby

After lunch on Wednesday, a group of club members went to Abby’s (KQ4LTR) QTH to help with her HF antenna setup. It was a bright clear afternoon, but a little chilly. With all the normal tools and lots of help, the work progressed nicely. Selection of trees was decided and the first support line went up quickly. The second tree line was a bit more challenging but was finally in place.  The feed line was prepared and passed through the crawlspace and run to the upstairs window, all before sunset. Kerry and Abby worked on the termination of the coax and checked things out. It was all working in time for coffee and cookies provided by our host.  A few photos are below with all copied to a club photo folder. Participants included Fred (KN4ZME), Sparky (KY4DZ), Chuck (AI4WU), Dave (N4MW), Dan (WG4F), Wally (WA3RWP), Kenzie (KO4GLN), Steve (KO4ENU), Jerome (K8LF), Dave (WD3O), Kerry (NH2A), Abby (KQ4LTR), Trey (Abby’s Dad), and Tim (family friend).

Photos of Antenna setup
Kerry and Abby finish the coax