Election of Officers at the January Meeting
The January club meeting is the annual business meeting, which is where the slate of officers for the upcoming year are elected. This is the second year in a row where it took place via Zoom due to concerns in regards to COVID-19. Despite the lack of in-person meetings, we were able to conduct the election virtually.
First, the club would like to thank the outgoing officers who have served the club faithfully over the past year, or more. Our President Toby Papas KL0SS, and Director At-Large Dino Papas KL0S have been in their positions for two years, which have been somewhat challenging with all the concerns and uncertainties that COVID-19 have presented. They helped keep the club active during that time and deserve many thanks for their efforts.
Finally, Randy Altona W4YSN has been the club’s Vice President for the past year. He has done an excellent job supporting Toby and the club, stepping up to fill roles on committees and even running a couple meetings.
Our Secretary and Treasurer, Dan Ewart WG4F and Greg Pula K3RM respectively, have agreed to stay on the job for the upcoming year. This is Dan’s 17th year as secretary, and the club is grateful for his time in office.
With that being said, the 2022 club officers are as follows:
- President: Jack Espinal KY4EA
- Vice President: Donna Ross KO4GLO
- Secretary: Dan Ewart WG4F
- Treasurer: Greg Pula K3RM
- Director At Large: Chuck White AI4WU
Congratulations to the new officers. This looks to be an exciting year as the club meetings transition back to in person, along with a bunch of new exciting activities.